Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Today's News

Well, ideally today seemed like the perfect day to get started with WW and keeping points. At least I thought so. But last night I was in so much pain that I ended up in the Emergency Room. I was there until almost 3am. Then I went back this afternoon at 2pm....unallowed to eat anything after 8am. By the time I was out of the hospital after getting my ultrasound done, and waiting for the results... I was starving and did not care where I ate or finding out the point value involved.

So good news is... I know what is wrong with me. I know why I am in pain, and I know what needs to be done.

Bad News: I wasted a day that could have gone toward my first day of WW, and I also have to have my gallbladder removed. Lucky Me.

Things could be a lot worse. I didn't realize how dangerous it could be to have problems with your gallbladder as I am having. So, I was prescribed some pain meds until I can get into to see the surgeon about the task at hand. But in the meantime. I am going to work on making a list of foods that I can eat on WW, and won't irritate my already irritated gallbladder!

So I'm hoping tomorrow will be a better start. And I'm hoping to get OP (On Program) with my WW Adventure. I will probably even go as far as posting my dreadful measurements and my "before" picture. I am however really looking forward to doing WW. I know some other people that are also on it... so hopefully we can get OP together! It's always nice to have support!

I bought a little motivation book from WW at my first meeting, and the second motivation "shot in the arm" for today, was "Could you imagine what you can accomplish if you really put your mind into it" Now I can relate with this because the little story talked about what can be accomplished without really trying... and I always used this scenario with school. I didn't really study for the test but managed to get a B. Had I studied... I would've gotten an A. I guess it's the same with weight loss. Now without trying I can lose a few pounds here or there, but if I really put my mind to it and work on it. I could probably lose the weight consistently. Definitely something to think about.